Friday, February 15, 2013

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes...

Quote of the day:

Mathieu to Vincent and I as we were hugging (rolling his eyes dramatically and talking frighteningly similar to a teenager):

"Okay, okay, we KNOW you love each other, you don't always have to be so kissy and huggy about it!!!"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012


When you have kids, the whole concept of leaving takes on a different meaning.

Before having kids, I took the act of leaving for granted.  I simply grabbed put on my shoes and whatever outer wear was required and, well, simply left.  If I had to be out the door at 8:20 I probably didn't give the act of leaving a second thought until maybe 8:19.  Not much planning or thought was involved...I could just..., well, ....leave.

With kids, the whole act of leaving to get to an activity becomes a whole activity in and of itself.  A pre-activity if you will.  With kids, the act of leaving requires management skills, strategic planning,  and patience. Lots and lots of patience. 

With kids, the act of leaving also requires a degree of psychic ability. You must be able to predict and therefore prepare for every possible scenario or need that may arise during the course of your day or outing in order to avoid situations such as finding yourself on the metro with a screaming toddler and NOT having the required cheerios to calm him down and get the other passengers to stop glaring at you (just a random example of course!!!). In short, you must be equipped and ready for anything...(This by the way requires a type backpack or purse which resembles, in its functionality, one of those small circus cars from which piles of clowns emerge).

If it is summertime, the amount of planning and organization involved in leaving is reduced in proportion to the layers of outwear required.  If is winter, however, the act of leaving require being broken down into manageable stages in which another layer of clothing is added to each child to avoid any one of them sweltering while waiting for the others.  Each layer of clothing usually corresponds to another pre-determined task. i.e., Boots on: make sure all teeth are brush.  Coats on: put lunch boxes by the door    etc. etc.

Once you are almost out the door, inevitably one child will mention something he ABSOLUTELY must have RIGHT NOW or life as we know if will come to end.  i.e., "Maman, our teacher said we need to bring in cookies for the bake sale today" .  (It important to note that this is also usually the moment when your youngest, fully-dressed child, chooses to fill his diaper).

Then of course once all the children are finally corralled out the door there is the inevitable trip back of the stairs for some object that has been forgetten.  If leaving involves only a day activity this may involve only one trip back up the stairs (if lucky).  If leaving for a weekend excursion, two or three trips back up the stairs for some forgotten  or last minute essestial need is usually required before actually being able to leave.

Once you finally have  left  there is great sense of accomplishment  accompanied by a huge sigh of  relief that once again you have made it successfully out of the house with all children suitable dressed and intact...! Life's little victories!

Friday, November 9, 2012


Alex's favourite song lately (which can frequently be heard while he is riding in the car on the way to the cottage or on the back of my bike on the way to day care:  "Mama dey, papa dey, mama dey, papa dey" .  Not much of a lyricist but a catchy tune nonetheless.

Lately, one of Alex's favourite activities is brushing his teeth.  He will stand on is bench in front of the sink for half an hour playing with the tooth brush and toothpaste.  He has to have the water running just a trickle which is completely not environmentally friendly but I admit to giving in to it just for the peace of having him engaged in a quiet activity...!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Quote of the day...

There are so many times that one of my kids says something so cute that I think, "Oh, I really should write that down...!"

So  I decided to do just that.

Todays quote of the day:

Gabriel:  "Maman, I only ate half of my bagel because I not excited to get sick again"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I'm so glad that I finally got over the flu that Alex gave me so that I would be ready to catch  Gabriel's cold....

Ugggggh.....The joys of our family germ sharing plan....